FEATools – To Improve the Branch Connection in CAESAR II Model

Experienced stress engineers know that there are also errors and limitations in our existing piping codes that engineers sometimes need to address. Stress intensification factors given by the code are limited and sometimes wrong. This is not news. When we attach a pipe or structural support to a bend, what’s the SIF supposed to be? […]
Intergraph® CADWorx® & Analysis University 2014 at Hexagon Global Network (CAU2014@HxGN LIVE) Scheduled For June 2-5 in Las Vegas

HOUSTON, Texas, February 5, 2014 – Intergraph CADWorx & Analysis University 2014 at Hexagon Global Network (CAU2014@HxGN LIVE) scheduled for June 2-5, 2014 in Las Vegas, Nevada will feature advanced plant design and engineering instruction for current or future users of CADWorx, CAESAR II, and PV Elite designed to help improve their organizations’ capabilities and […]