ImageGrafix Software FZCO - Total CG Setup1

CADWorx Plant Command Of The Week [Total Center Of Gravity]

Total Center of Gravity Generator

CADWorx Plant I tab: Pipe BOM / DB > C.G. GeneratorImageGrafix Software FZCO - Total CG Setup1Plant menu: Accessory > C.G. Generator

Command line: TCG

Calculates center of gravity for all components drawn in X, Y planes (2D plans) or in X, Y, Z planes (3D Model). You can use a generic attach (from Plant > Toolbars > Misc) which provides the center of gravity location and weight. For more information on specifying a center of gravity location for a generic attach, see Generic Attach or Steel – Generic Attachment.

Selection can be done by crossing, window, or selecting individual component.

ImageGrafix Software FZCO - Total CG Setup2

Total Center of Gravity Calculation Dialog Box

Calculates the total center of gravity for all components.

Selected Components

Select – Enables you to select items to calculate the total center of gravity for that item.

Piping – Enables piping to be calculated for the total center of gravity. Reports the selected component counters in the corresponding box.

Piping Insulation – Enables piping insulation to be calculated for the total center of gravity. Reports the selected component counters in the corresponding box.

Steel – Enables steel to be calculated for the total center of gravity. Reports the selected component counters in the corresponding box.

HVAC – Enables HVAC to be calculated for the total center of gravity. Reports the selected component counters in the corresponding box.

Equipment – Enables equipment to be calculated for the total center of gravity. Reports the selected component counters in the corresponding box.

You must have a material set for the equipment, and then run

EQUIPCG before you can get a center of gravity calculation for equipment in CADWorx Plant.

Report Options

Title – Specifies a title for the report that prints when CG is calculated.

Path – Specifies the location of the report file. Click the Path ellipsis to change the location and save the file.

Print report to command line – Prints the total center of gravity report to the command line.

View Report – Indicates that the software opens the report after the center of gravity calculates.

Insert drawing marker – Inserts a drawing marker for the total center of gravity.ImageGrafix Software FZCO - Total CG Setup3

  • Click C.G. Generator on the Pipe BOM / DB panel in the CADWorx Plant I tab. alternatively, type TCG on the command line and then press ENTER.
    • The Total CG Calculation dialog box displays.
  • Select the type of components to calculate center of gravity.
  • Enter a title for the report in the Title box.
  • Select whether you want the report to print on the command line, view the report, or whether you want to insert a marker.
  • Click Select.
    • Before you can get a center of gravity calculation for equipment in CADWorx Plant, you must have a material set for the equipment, and then you must run EQUIPCG.
    • When selecting equipment to calculate the center of gravity, you have the following choices:
      • Select all.
  • Zoom to the small white cross and select it.
  • Select the components, and then press ENTER.
    • The center of gravity calculates and the Total CG Calculation dialog box redisplays with the selected component counters in the corresponding boxes.
  • Click OK.

A center of gravity reference point and a report display.

Sample report

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