ImageGrafix Software FZCO - Command Export to SmartPlant Step11

CADWorx Command of the week Export to SmartPlant Review

CADWorx command of the week

1. Launch CADWorx Plant Professional

2. Click File > Open, and then open the Export to VUE.dwg drawing.
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3. Click Export to VUE file ImageGrafix Software FZCO - Command Export to SmartPlant Step2

4. Select Entire Drawing

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5. Type VUE Tutorial Model in File name, and then click Save.

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The VUE Tutorial Model.txt displays.

1. Review this file for any failed lines.

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Close the.txt file.

Display .vue file in SmartPlant Review

1. Click Start > All Programs > Intergraph SmartPlant Review > SmartPlant Review.

Tip: If you do not have SmartPlant Review, you can open the .vue file in CADWorx Design Create.

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SmartPlant Review displays.

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2. Click File > Open.

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3. Navigate to PPM\Training\CADWorx 2015\Export to VUE, select VUE Tutorial Model.vue, and then click Open.

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The Create Project dialog box displays.

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4. Click OK.

The models opens, but you have to adjust the view to see the entire mode.

5. Click Fit View to Model

The model displays.

ImageGrafix Software FZCO - Command Export to SmartPlant Step11

6. Click Properties.

The Properties dialog box displays.

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7. Select a component to display the properties data.

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