ImageGrafix Software FZCO - CADWorx & Analysis Solutions

Benefits Of Intergraph® Smart Support

Intergraph Smart Support is a web portal through which customers may submit technical support requests and find Intergraph CAS technical information.  There are several customer benefits for using the Smart Support website including:

  • All questions and issues will be entered into the Smart Support system.  This will help ensure that no items are lost when someone is out of the office, that you receive a timely response, and that we can track how we are doing in terms of solving your problems.
  • Using Smart Support to log technical support requests will ensure automated delivery and escalation of support e-mail messages and attachments, ensuring a timely response to support queries.
  • A customer generated SR (Service Request) that is changed to a CR (Change Request, for a new feature) or TR (Trouble Report, for defects or “bugs”) will generate an automated response to the customer as to the status of the request.  Once the change is implemented or the defect fixed by the development team the customer will be notified as to when the appropriate service pack or hot fix will be available for download.
  • By tracking defects and change requests Intergraph CAS can determine customer trends for new feature additions, and also track potential problem areas of program development.  This allows us to prioritize our new feature list for inclusion into future releases.  It also allows us to identify any weak program areas and concentrate our development efforts on fixing such areas, therefore creating better, more user-friendly software.
  • By filling in Customer Satisfaction Surveys you can provide our management with instant feedback as to our support performance. This information will be used to improve our performance, thereby strengthening our commitment to our customers.
  • On the Smart Support site Intergraph CAS product downloads such as: Service Packs, hot fixes, documentation, newsletters, and utilities will all be made available and kept up to date.