Service Pack Release Announcement
Hexagon PPM support has posted CADWorx Plant 2017 R1 for CADWorx Plant Version 2017 R1. This Service Pack is now available for download from Hexagon PPM’s Customer Response System. Further information about what is contained in this Service Pack is available in the Readme File link shown in the download description on the Service Packs and Fixes page.
To access this Service Pack, please follow the steps below:
- Logon to Hexagon PPM’s Customer Response System at
- Select the View Downloads tab.
- Select CADWorx Plant.
- Select Service Packs and Fixes.
- Select the download icon or the file link of the Service Pack.
If you have trouble accessing this Service Pack or need further information, please file a Service Request for CADWorx Plant 2017 R1, and an analyst will be happy to assist you.
CADWorx Plant 2017 R1 SP1 Items Resolved
- TAG_SPC_TBL value in LD schema will no longer double up when placing component in the model.
- Issue causing some P&ID valves to be listed twice in the PIDVIEW palette has been fixed.
- Issue with specific customer PRJ when exporting to Excel has been fixed.
- Issue with Custom Field becoming hidden when specs were rearranged by drag/drop in the Spec Editor has been fixed.
- Excel export limitation with number of component fields exported has been eliminated.
- Fatal error when changing Equipment tooltip settings has been fixed.
- Issue with VIEWBOX “Hide” functionality still showing native AutoCAD shapes outside the VIEWBOX has been fixed.
- Issue causing bolt/weld/gasket components to retain their original color when changing their assigned layer color in the Layer Manager has been fixed.
- Issue causing clash reporting in some cases when using SW fittings has been fixed.
- Issue preventing specific user spec 45 SW EL from being routed using AUTOROUTE functionality has been fixed.
- Issue causing false clash reports with legacy steel in specific end user model has been fixed.
- Check valve placement functionality has been enhanced to provide reverse orientation option for all placement methods.
- Issue preventing insulation + tracing combined placement in some conditions has been fixed.
- NOM_SIZE_TBL value rounding for Bolt components when used in the LD schema has been enhanced.
- CWEXPLODE functionality has been enhanced for User Shape component support.
- Bolt placement has been enhanced to provide same level of Class check when placing from ribbon, toolbar, or SPECVIEW as previously provided during routing only. User will be prompted with Class mismatch exists.
- Issue with CONVERTENHANCED of certain copied wafer style valve geometry scaling has been fixed.
- PCFIN has been enhanced to support PCF content generated by PDSOFT.
- Pipe healing functionality when removing entire pipe sections resulting in fitting-to-fitting arrangement has been enhanced.
- Issue allowing blind flange being placed directly onto pipe plain end when placed from SPECVIEW previously has been fixed.
- Error when Pipe Length Rule is set to ‘Automatic’ when stretching pipe more than MAX length given in Pipe Data table, if the component has LENGTH_CMP_TBL in Part Number Format has been fixed.
- Router updates made to prevent Optional Components from being placed when they are disabled in SPECVIEW.
- Inconsistency when placing Custom Pipe Supports has been fixed.
- Issue with copied ENGENERIC components requiring manual data edits prior to ISO out has been fixed.
- Line number DropDownList performance has been enhanced.
- Issue with line number assignment on automatically placed bolts when inserting ENGENERIC component onto a flange/gasket has been fixed.
- OLET functionality is now fully supported on nipples.
- Issue preventing new layer being assigned to Pipe Supports when using NUMBERASSIGN has been fixed.
- Discrepancy with bolt TCG location pointer has been fixed
- dbx copy to ACAD program caused issues with 2DREP, dbx copy action has been removed from the Setup Profile utility.
- Issue with C.O.G. calculation with certain arrangements containing insulation has been fixed.
- Issue with clipped components showing up in VIEWBOX views has been fixed.
- Issue causing ghost copies of User Shape components being left behind in some cases when exploding has been fixed.
- Incorrect Elevation output by DIMCOORD in specific end user model data has been fixed.
- size or not showing Clash report sphere scaling issue in Metric models has been fixed.
- Improvements have been made to the alignment of bolts across valve trains.
- Improvements have been made to the responsiveness of OSNAPS on CADWorx objects.
- Issue preventing OLET insertion based assemblies from correctly inheriting line number has been fixed.
- Enhancements including Default Location option have been made to GENERIC component C.O.G. and TAG location selection.
- Flange insertion functionality enhanced to prevent optional flange insertion if optional components are disabled in the SPECVIEW settings.
- Insulation palette update to prevent prior insulation sizes from listing when selected drawing insulation components are updated by the user.
- Issue when using Line Isolate “Full” option preventing all XREF geometry from being displayed has been fixed.
- Component placement improvements made when modeling perpendicular to an isometric plane.
- Performance enhancement made to LINEVIEW isolate functionality.
- Issue with BORE size calculation for specific data from end user specification has been fixed.
- Isometric symbol output for street elbows has been improved.
- Routing enhancements made to automate component connectivity for additional end user specific workflow scenario.
- Documentation update to clarify bolt weight calculation logic.
- Previously disabled command re-enabled.
- Issue with BOMEXPORT when components contain Integer Type custom data has been fixed.
- Issue with moving pipe from its grip using the Elevation command has been fixed.
- Isogen version 2016 HF3 has been implemented.
- Issue with BOMREPORT when connected to a database has been fixed.
- Issue with ISOGENSUPPL floor penetration symbol ISO output has been fixed.
- Issue when CADWorx Structure is loaded inside CADWorx Plant in BricsCAD preventing Structure model content from being edited has been fixed.
- Issue with specific customer model/data synchronizing with a SQL database has been fixed.
CADWorx P&ID 2017 R1 SP1 Items Resolved
- Process line corner grip functionality has been enhanced to move entire associated segment.
- Process line corner grip functionality has been enhanced to automatically move tags along with the lines using STRETCH Command
- Process line functionality has been enhanced to better support the STRETCH command.
- Issue with database connectivity for first Database connected P&ID project after install has been fixed.
- Issue with process line flow arrows becoming disconnected after DB sync has been fixed.
- Issue with reverse process line functionality for drawings created without Database and later inserted into Database has been fixed.
- Issue with enable flow arrows for drawings created without Database and later inserted into Database has been fixed.
- Issue with CADWorx Internet Publisher output in BricsCAD has been fixed.
- Issue with Check-In/Check-Out of project on SQL database has been fixed.
- Issue preventing process line entries in the DB from being automatically deleted when deleted in the drawing has been fixed.
- Issue when changing the language file (.DIC) while connected to a Database has been fixed.
- Process line functionality has been enhanced to automatically set the Line Number value to better support Plant/P&ID interoperability.
- Reducer placement functionality has been enhanced to better support intent.
- In-Line component behavior has been enhanced to better support STRETCH and COPY command actions.
- Issue causing data to be propagated across process line copies with identical ID_COUNT has been fixed.
- Process line context menu functionality has been extended to support prior version process lines.
- Move in-line component functionality has been enhanced for better line break/line mend response.
- Improvement made to process line middle and corner grip move functionality to include components at the end of the process line.