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DocuSign eSignature

Agreements are everywhere, from sales contracts and offer letters to account openings and invoices. Manual paper-based agreement processes reduce employee productivity, delay business outcomes and create legal and compliance risks. Organizations need a modern way to transact business that is digital, reliable and safe. That’s where we come in.

Provide an intuitive signing experience across any device

Whether on phones, tablets, or desktops, DocuSign eSignature enables signers to work in the way they prefer—so business can keep moving forward from anywhere.

  • Send documents for signature, track progress and get real-time updates via the web or DocuSign’s top-rated mobile app*
  • Automatically adapt the document viewing experience based on the signer’s device type with responsive signing*
  • Ensure signers receive and complete documents quickly with real-time SMS agreement notifications*
  • Leverage enhanced signer verification methods for high value agreements with the DocuSign Identify platform*
  • Make it easy for your customers to pay during the signing step with our integrated payment feature*
Docusign Esignature

Eliminate manual tasks with configurable and automated workflows

Moving business forward quickly can be challenging when using manual processes. With eSignature you can automate both simple and complex workflows so you can keep up with the pace of business.

  • Define workflows with clicks not code and automatically route documents to the right people with routing rules
  • Reduce agreement preparation time with reusable agreement templates
  • Generate self-service documents for signature and embed into your website, or send directly to signers, with PowerForms
  • Send one agreement to many signers at the same time with bulk send
  • Get deeper visibility into document activity using robust reporting and data visualizations

Mitigate risk with enterprise-grade security and compliance controls

Your business runs on agreements. That’s why protecting your data is our top priority. Our security, privacy and data-protection features give you the control and flexibility you need.

  • Work towards meeting some of the most stringent security and privacy standards (e.g. FedRAMP, HIPAA, SOC 2, etc.) as well as data residency and GDPR requirements*
  • Protect data at rest and data in transit with AES 256-bit encryption*
  • Support your efforts to comply with digital signature laws around the world*
  • Manage multiple DocuSign accounts across business units from a centralized administrative user interface*
  • Use eSignature with your organization’s SSO (single sign-on) infrastructure*
  • Protect agreements with round-the-clock activity tracking with Monitor*

Seamlessly connect eSignature with 350+ integrations and leading APIs

Integrate and connect eSignature with the systems and tools you already use. Award-winning APIs let you customize the signing experience, monitor signing events as they happen and integrate eSignature into your own web apps and bespoke backend systems.

  • Plug eSignature into the tools teams use—for example, Salesforce, Workday, SAP, Oracle, Microsoft, Box and hundreds more
  • Easily embed eSignature into your web and mobile apps