It is a market leading computer aided manufacturing (CAM) system for NC part programming. With unparalleled ease of use and sophisticated toolpath generation, it’s the only CAM system required for milling, turning and mill-turn machining.
It utilizes the in house knowledge and experience to drive the CAM process with automation tools to suit different applications to maintain the competitive edge.

The use of tail stocks, steady rests, sub spindles, twin turrets along with C Axis, CY Axis and B Axis are regular features on multi-task machine tools. In this collision rich environment, the programming of these machines is made simple and safe utilizing EDGECAM’s turning and milling combinations in a single environment.
With the addition of 4 and 5 axis simultaneous milling, the simulation of these machine tools is made even easier.
- One single machining environment
- Full machine tool and toolpath simulation
- Reduce machine tool prove out by graphically simulating the tool path
- Reduce component cycle time
- Full collision checking on component parts
- Support for Twin Spindle, Twin Turret, Pickoff spindle, C, Y & B axis machining
It is intelligent machining from native CAD Data. It provides functionality to program wire frame geometry or solid model component parts on a variety of machine tool configurations, from 2.5 Axis milling to complex surface tool paths on 3 to 5 axis milling machines.
EDGECAM seamlessly integrates 4 and 5 axis simultaneous machining within its milling and mill/turn environment to allow a range of multiaxis cutting strategies to be applied to the most complex tooling or components.
It also offers intuitive dialogs making programming simple for the new user and comprehensive tool path control for advanced requirements.
- In process stock
- Rest material removal
- Easy operation interface
- Total tool path control
- Intuitive, easy-to-use graphical user interface.
- Ideal for the rotary machining of automotive and aerospace components.
- Angle Heads
- Probing
- Tool Libraries
- Shop Floor Documentation
- Wide range of advanced options providing complete control of the tool.
- 5 axis modules include full machine simulation to aid visualization of the machining process.
EDGECAM Turning provides functionality for a wide range of machine tools, including 2-Axis lathes, multi-turret configurations, sub-spindle turning centers and mill/turn machines.
It fully supports turning centres including Bar Pull and Feed, Part Pick Off, Balanced and Mirrored Turning, and Turret Synchronization.
- Increase machine tool utilization
- Reduced programming time
- Reduce component cycle time
- Eliminate programming errors and reduce potential scrap
- Reduce machine tool prove out by graphically simulating the tool path
- Avoid collisions and expensive damage to machine tool
- Full support for canned cycles
- Reduce tooling inventory and stock
EDGECAM Waveform
Waveform maintains a constant chip load for high-speed machining. The tool moves in a smooth path to avoid sharp changes in direction, maintaining a constant and high feed rate. It is available for both Milling and Turning operations.
The Waveform machining is included on EDGECAM Licenses at the Standard and higher product levels with no additional purchase.
- Reduces cycle time
- Improves tool life
- Lengthens machine maintenance cycles
- Keeps constant chip load
- Cuts deeper and faster
EDGECAM Wire EDM provides the flexibility and confidence to manufacture 2 and 4 axis parts accurately and efficiently. Advanced functionality enables manufacture of complex shapes with irregular tapers easily.
- Intuitive graphical user interface
- Extensive range of CAD interfaces for both import and export
- Comprehensive machine and postprocessor database
- Roughing and finishing cuts easily applied to multiple punches or dies
- Multiple tagging options with auto tag removal
- Reverse cutting on roughing, finishing and tag removal passes
- No-core pocket destruction of round, irregular and tapered apertures
EDGECAM WORKXPLORE is the ideal tool for directly displaying and evaluating 3D CAD files without the need for the original CAD application. The intuitive, easy-to-use interface enables novice and experienced users alike to explore any type of 2D/3D CAD file.
A wide range of CAD interfaces are available: Catia V5, Catia V4, Unigraphics, Parasolid, Pro/E, SolidWorks, Solid Edge, Cadds, IGES, STEP, Unisurf, STL (binary and ASCII), VRML, ISO toolpaths, DXF, DWG, HPGL. It is possible to load GD&T data from the CAD interfaces that support geometric tolerancing.
The software saves the native CAD data in its own lightweight format enabling users to calculate surface areas and volumes, measure thickness, dimensions, and angles and much more without requiring the original CAD data. This lightweight format can be easily transmitted to other project members via email.
Measurements: EDGECAM WORKXPLORE features a wide range of 2D and 3D measurement functions that are highly accurate due to the high precision B-rep 3D model employed.
Annotation: EDGECAM WORKXPLORE offers a wide range of annotation functions. Users can convey their ideas, observations, instructions and change requests easily and quickly.
Analyse: EDGECAM WORKXPLORE comes with a full range of specialist analysis tools which can be used to help make quotes, diagnostics, assembly notes or for 3D models production preparation.
Animation: EDGECAM WORKXPLORE includes a fully functional animation kernel allowing users to generate exploded views or animated assembly movements. Setting up animations is achieved by simply initiating basic movements such as translation, rotation or following a guide curve.
Interference Detection: Dynamic collision analysis functions can be used during animations to carry out real time control of mechanism interoperability or process control.
Documentation: With EDGECAM WORKXPLORE users can generate screen captures to illustrate technical documents and assembly sheets. In addition to the traditional screen capture functions, the software features an image collector which also allows users to easily manage and distribute large volumes of images.
Publication: EDGECAM WORKXPLORE allows users to easily share their CAD models throughout the entire design and manufacturing chain, with all project members whether they are product managers, marketing, sales, outside manufacturing consultants, customers or suppliers.
Creation of predefined scenes: Predefined scenes have been created and stored in the software. The configurations, orientations and views of these scenes are saved in a fixed state along with related annotations, dimensions, and labels. Users can navigate from screen to screen to find the configuration preferred by the creator of the scenes.
Export: With EDGECAM WORKXPLORE users can quickly convert standard or native 3D models via the available export interfaces (IGES, STL, URML). B-rep models can also be saved under the IGES format.
Collaborate: EDGECAM WORKXPLORE enables users to communicate 3D parts and assemblies to sub-contractors, customers or colleagues using a standalone, lightweight application that can be easily transmitted via the Internet.
EDGECAM Inspect is a full featured, easy to use solution for users wanting fast creation of on machine measurement cycles with quick, efficient tool path creation and generation of reliable, measurement results.
It combines industry leading metrology tools and know-how, with cutting edge manufacturing expertise. Also, it offers unparalleled ease of use and sophisticated probe path generation for both in process and end item part inspections.
- Robust probe calibration methods
- Support for any probe manufacturer
- Embedded probe cycles with machining cycles
- Informative results display
- Multiple report output formats
- Multiple machine control support
- Customizable
- Comprehensive set of measurement features
- Points and Point arrays
- Circular Features
- Planar Features
- Web/Pocket
- Orientations
- Form
Process Validation – Complex CNC machining operations can now be easily validated with in process measurements. Manufacturers who are producing high value parts can quickly and easily develop probe path and integrate measurement cycles with machining cycles. EDGECAM Inspect provides a comprehensive set of geometric features and constructions for measuring part characteristics such as webs, pockets, thickness and heights while the intuitive user interface and work flow allows the user to seamlessly transition from programming CAM cycles to measurement cycles.
Probe Calibration algorithms in EDGECAM Inspect offer the user several choices when calibrating the probe for measurement tasks. Proprietary algorithms for managing probe radius compensation in every measurement scenario ensures the user of the integrity of the measurement results under multi axis measurement scenarios. All while maintaining independence of the probe manufacturer installed on the machine tool.
Programming Environment – EDGECAM Inspect is the ideal environment for the CAM programmer to develop machining and probing cycles in one output file. Because the inspection workflow is tightly integrated into the EDGECAM workspace, the transition from machining to measuring and back again is seamless. Whether stitching together probing and machining cycles for the purpose of automating part setup, managing stock for roughing operations or final part acceptance, EDGECAM Inspect provides a single programming environment for managing all aspects of the machining process.
Feature Set – Using feature recognition tools, EDGECAM Inspect helps optimize the programming process by allowing the user to program multiple features with a single mouse click. The EDGECAM Inspect feature set provides the following features and part characteristics:
- Points and Point Arrays – Evaluate simple axis deviation, material condition or profile with single or multiple point functions.
- Circular – Whether internal or external, EDGECAM Inspect has the ability evaluate bores and/or bosses for size, location and/or form.
- Planar – Measure planar features with an option to report location and/or form.
- Web/Pocked – Measure thicknesses and widths with caliper like functions.
- Orientations – Report characteristics like angles between features or angle to an axis.