Data Collection
The menu-driven interface of TANK allows for the quick definition of input and functions for the accurate analysis of oil storage tanks to American Petroleum Institute (API) standards. Increased flexibility is provided by allowing users to select any unit combination for analyses or to produce reports. In addition, unit files are completely user-definable so engineers are not bound by program default settings. Even existing jobs can be converted to any existing unit format.
User Interface
The user interface in TANK presents only what is needed at each point of information gathering. Therefore,users are not burdened with ‘out-of-sequence’ requirements for information required for analysis. You are asked for what is needed,when it is needed.
Analysis Options and Codes
TANK performs calculations in accordance with the latest API Standards 620, 650 and 653. Analysis can also take into account wind, seismic and settlement conditions plus calculate air venting requirements to API 2000 Section 4.3.
Output and Reports
After completing an analysis, users can view the results in a tabular report or as a graphic diagram with associated data. For convenience in verifying the results, the output reports reference code sections used where applicable.
Material Databases
TANK has many databases integral to the package which make it easy to select standard data for accurate analysis. A number of US and International Structural steel databases are provided. In addition, it contains API materials to API 650 and API 620