Command Of The Week [Isometric Drawing Split-up]

ImageGrafix Software FZCO - Command ISOGEN Configuration

Isometric Drawing Split-up: How to Split up the Auto generated Isometric drawings. Step 1 Go to I-Configure > Edit the required ISO project > Drawing Manager > Drawing Generation > Drawing Splitting > untick the Check box called “Automatic Drawing Splitting”. Step 2 Go to I-Configure > Edit the required ISO project > Drawing Manager > Drawing Generation > Drawing Splitting > Specify number of drawings to […]

CADWorx Plant Command Of The Week [Total Center Of Gravity]

ImageGrafix Software FZCO - Total CG Setup1

Total Center of Gravity Generator CADWorx Plant I tab: Pipe BOM / DB > C.G. GeneratorPlant menu: Accessory > C.G. Generator Command line: TCG Calculates center of gravity for all components drawn in X, Y planes (2D plans) or in X, Y, Z planes (3D Model). You can use a generic attach (from Plant > Toolbars > Misc) which provides the center of gravity location […]

WRC 107 & 297 Wizard In CAESAR II

ImageGrafix Software FZCO - Procedure For WRC Analysis Setup6

CAESAR II: Whenever Pressure Vessel or Heat exchanger (Static Equipments) nozzle loads exceeds the allowable values provided by Vendors (Equipment manufacturer) or standard project specific tables (guidelines), the piping stress professional is permitted to use WRC 107/297 (or any other FEA) to check the stresses at the Nozzle-Shell junction point and check the stresses with allowable […]

CADWorx Plant Command Of The Week [Text Alignment in ISO Drawing]

ImageGrafix Software FZCO - Text Alignment in Isometric Drawing Step1

How to Change Text Alignment in ISO Drawing Default Output of the Isometric Drawing To change it to ISO align Text Go to I-Configure è Edit the required ISo project è Drawing Area è Text è enable the Check box called Iso metric Output as Isometric Aligned text

How To Restore Corrupted CAESAR II File?

ImageGrafix Software FZCO - Restore CaesarII file Step1

Restore corrupted Caesar ii: Those who are extensively using Caesar II software must have noted that sometimes few Caesar II files got corrupted due to some reason. And modeling the same file from isometric again is time consuming. At the same time the man hour used is lost without any fruitful result. The same happened […]

CADWorx Plant Command Of The Week [Change Elevation/Join Pipe/Break Pipes]

ImageGrafix Software FZCO - Break Pipe

Change Elevation/Join Pipe/Break Pipes: Change Elevation CADWorx Plant I tab: Misc > Change Elevation Command line: CHANGEELEVATION Changes the elevation of a selected pipe in the drawing. Pick – Enables you to select the location for the change in the elevation. BOP – Changes the elevation location to the bottom of pipe after specifying the elevation change. TOP – Changes the elevation […]

ImageGrafix’s Wednesday Webinars – June 2015 – Agenda

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Wednesday Webinars: Efficient Component Placement in CADWorx Plant Professional Date: June 10, 2015 Time: 09.00 AM(Qatar, Kuwait, Bahrain) 10.00 AM (UAE, Oman) 11.30 AM (India) Duration: 30 Min Cost: Free Webinar Explaining the various In-line component placement options available in the latest CADWorx Plant Professional Software like From the Library Custom created Component Speaker Bio: Visakan is the […]

Intergraph PV-Elite 2015 SP2 Has Been Released

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Dear Customer, Intergraph PV-Elite 2015 SP2 has been released. Here is the website to download the service pack, In order to  download this service pack, you need the user name and password to login above Intergraph Smart Support. If you do not have user name and password, Kindly send the email to Middle East […]

Propagating Caesar II Properties

ImageGrafix Software FZCO - Propagating Caesar II properties Step1

Here I would like to discuss about the essential properties automatically propagating over to subsequent elements in Caesar II. What happens when you define properties like pipe diameter, schedule/Wall Thk, temperature, pressure etc. to an element? Did you notice that you need not to enter these properties again for following element? This is a helpful […]