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The LIST Facility in CAESAR II Software

The LIST Facility is a very powerful editing feature built into the piping input module. This List Facility allows for the global manipulation of a group of elements. This group can be as small as two elements, or as large as the entire model. These group operations (referred to as Block Operations in CAESAR II) include:

  • Rotate – allows for the rotation of all elements in the group by a specified amount.
  • Duplicate – allows for the duplication of the current group of elements
  • Delete – allows for the deletion of the current group of elements
  • Nodes – allows renumbering of the current group of elements
  • Status – reports details about the elements currently selected

The Duplicate operation provides three different behaviors, which define the nature of the duplication. These behaviors are shown in the figure to the right. Notice that the current group (block) of elements consists of elements 60-70 through and including 120-130. Notice also that the copied block can be placed in three locations: after the current block (element 120-130), at the end of the input, or after the current element (which is 120-130). (The end of the input, not shown in the figure, is element 7160-8000.)

Placing the copied block after the current block, or at the end of the input is somewhat obvious. What about the third option, after the current element?

The current element is 120-130, the last element in the selected block. Suppose we need to place the copied block after element 160-170. Somehow we need to make 160-170 the current element. Clicking on 160-170 cancels our block (elements 60-70 through 120-130) and highlights 160-170.

The proper way to change the current element is to use the [Up Arrow] or [Down Arrow] keys on the keypad. As either of these keys are used, notice that the current element is shown by depressing the element number in the far left column of the display. The figure at the right shows the display after the current element has been changed to 160-170. Activating the duplication operation at this point will place the copied block after element 160-170.

Another useful feature of the LIST facility is the Context Menu, obtained by clicking the right mouse key. This context menu provides a number of capabilities. One of the most useful of these is the [Choose List] menu.

The [Choose List] menu (shown in the figure at the right) is a quick way to change which List is being displayed. Without using this context menu, the only way to change the List being displayed is through the spinner control at the very lower left of the display. This spinner control will scroll the names of the various lists along the bottom of the screen. The context menu provides a quicker way to reach the desired list.

The [Block Operations] menu is also available from the Context Menu. This is shown in the figure at the right. Note that the [Auxiliary Screen] control can be activated from this menu, as well as the switch to show or hide duplicated data.